


These items are needed to ensure a successful floor:

  • Sound Subfloor
  • Sound Materials
  • Sound Installation
Good Quality Materials
Top quality materials are essential for a good finished product. Boatright Hardwood Floors sells only top quality materials.
Our installers are trained. Boatright Hardwood Floors has training meetings and demonstrations. All employees are given an Apprentice Notebook and it is thoroughly reviewed to ensure that our employees meet specific benchmarks. Boatright Hardwood Floors does not employe subcontractors.
Flat Concrete
Most poured slabs are very uneven with dips and bumps that could interfere with a good installation. The concrete should be flat to 1/8” in any 10 foot span. Concrete slab preparation is usually necessary to ensure a flat surface for a wood floor installation. This is especially important for glue down floors.
When installing solid naildown floors on-grade, placing plastic and roofing felt over the slab first will prevent ground contact moisture.
Some factory made engineered wood products come with a lifetime warranty against coming apart even when installed directly to on grade slabs.
Color Choice
When installing a job finished hardwood floor Boatright Hardwood Floors will furnish color samples and on site color samples to ensure that the finished color is the desired color.
Types of Installation
Nail Down Installation
Most wood floors can be nailed in place providing there is a wood subfloor. Subfloors must be flat, clean, dry, structurally sound, and free of protruding fasteners.
Glue Down Installation
Glue down installation is usually for an engineered product and is glued directly to the subfloor or slab. The concrete slab should be clean, flat, and dry.
Floating Installation
A floating installation is glued only on the sides of each plank over a cushion layer. The floor is not attached to the subfloor.